Welcome. The content of this website Chinamyopia.org are written in Chinese. However,
some parts of the contents have been translated into English with a logo There are many web-sites written in English promoting myopia prevention that we highly recommended. They are Myopia Prevention Home Page telling you "The Truth About seeing: Guarding Your Child's Vision http://members.aol.com/myopiaprev , a site strongly against use of minus lens www.myopia.org and www.preventmyopia.org by Donald Rehm, a site about natural vision improvement / enhancement www.i-see.org , vision clearing for pilot at Otis Bown's webpage, Dr. Klaus Schmid (retired physicist's unbiased view) sharing his opinion in myopia development and management www.myopia-manual.de and details of using plus lens for vision improvement http://www.geocities.com/dolphinhill, and the other such ashttp://www.geocities.com/soonicansee/
This site (Chinese version) has been prepared to introduce methods of
nearsightedness / myopia prevention. This approach is totally different from
traditional minus lens method.
The existing standard for nearsightedness treatments is to let it run wild. Traditional treatments do not help nearsightedness and quite probably make it worse year by year. It is very important that you decide to adopt this alternate method before you begin wearing the minus lens. You will be stuck with the consequences of life-time crutch of glasses if you choose the minus-lens method. The alternate method is now recognized and supported by many behavioral optometrists www.healthy.net/oep . Our book "You are wearing Wrong glasses" in Chinese is available for your review. If you want to know more about nearsightedness in depth, you can download some chapters of the book (1st editionV.1.0, Chinese only), click here. Foreword and Preface are available in English, click here. The major goal of this site is to educate the public that there is the existence of the alternate method so that you can be a better patient. We encourage people to discuss plus lens method with their doctors. You may find your doctor suprisingly supportive and even the doubters among them must admit that there is no harm in trying. They are used at time of protracted near-work only. With the usual treatment (minus-lens glasses) nearsightedness can only get worse!
•2003/12.Hong Kong Economic Times's columnist
introduce our website •2003/10/24.Hong Kong
Economic Journal boss' column recommended the "You are wearing wrong glasses."
•Our Website launch in 2003/4/28。 •" You are wearing Wrong glasses "(Chinese Version) was published in 2003/4 •Download" You are wearing Wrong glasses "( Chinese Version only ) •Introduction of
" You are wearing Wrong glasses "
•Order "You are wearing Wrong glasses "(Chinese version only) in our website •About the Authors of "You are
wearing Wrong glasses "
•What is Nearsightedness /Myopia? •Some Statistic Data of Nearsightedness •How to prevent nearsightedness •How to save your vision from deterioration •What is FOGGING with plus
lens? •International Myopia Prevention Exchange
•Discussion Area of Myopia Prevention
optometrist's own personal experience
•HAN Bossino: Myopic History
of My Family (A note from the web-master of www.Chinamyopia.org.) •A personal note by Dr. Stirling
Colgate •Letter
to the National Institute of Medicine(1977) •NEARSIGHTED
MAGAZINE, The December 1973 Issue] •Health News, by Dr David L.
Guyton, MD, September 19, 1995 •Why should a child
who sees 20/20 need glasses? (By Merrill D. Bowan, O.D. )2001 •Insightful view on
Myopia prevention ( By Otis S. Brown July 15, 2003 )